If you wish to make a referral or complaint, or submit an appeal to the Market Surveillance and Compliance Panel (MSCP), complete the relevant form and send it to:
Market Surveillance and Compliance Panel
c/o Market Assessment Unit
4 Shenton Way
#03-01 SGX Centre 2
Singapore 068807
Fax No: +65 6533 0340
E-mail: [email protected]
Referral or Complaint
More specifically, the Market Rules require the PSO, the EMC, a market participant and a market support services licensee to notify the MSCP in writing where any of these parties believes or becomes aware that it, or another of these parties has breached, is breaching or may be breaching the Market Rules, a market manual or the System Operation Manual. Sections 7.1.7, 7.1.8 and 7.1.9 read with section 7.1.12 of Chapter 3 of the Market Rules provide for this requirement. This form is also to be used for the giving of such notices.
Referral or Complaint Form (62kB)
Appeal for Refund of AFPS
More specifically, the Market Rules require the market participant of a deviating generation registered facility to notify the MSCP in writing should it wish to seek a refund of any financial penalties paid or required to be paid under the Automatic Financial Penalty Scheme (AFPS). This document is to be used for the submission of such notices.