Technical Working Group
The Rules Change Panel has a Technical Working Group (TWG) to assist it in reviewing technical changes to the Market Rules.

The TWG is responsible for examining the on-going evolution of the dispatch and price discovery process, balancing economic, financial and technical considerations in creating more efficient wholesale electricity markets.

The TWG consists of eight members as follows:
Chairperson nominated by EMC
Poa Tiong Siaw
Poa Tiong Siaw heads the Market Administration Department which advises the Rules Change Panel through economic analysis and proposals to enhance efficiency in the wholesale electricity market. Prior to this appointment, he headed the Market Assessment Unit which is responsible for the compliance, surveillance and dispute resolution functions of the market. Tiong Siaw joined EMC as senior economist in Feb 2003 and worked on evolving the wholesale electricity market. He went on head the Market Assessment Unit in 2009. Before joining EMC, he was senior economist in the economics division of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, where he conducted and oversaw economic analyses to support economic and trade policies. Tiong Siaw also worked as a treasury economist for DBS Bank and was involved in economic, currency and interest rate-related research. He holds a Master of Social Sciences degree from the National University of Singapore and a Bachelor of Business degree from the Nanyang Technological University.

Four experts nominated by market participants (excluding the Transmission Licensee)

Lai Kum Fai
Lai Kum Fai is the Trading Manager (Power and Portfolio Strategy) of Sembcorp Cogen Pte Ltd with 4 years of experience in the industry. He is responsible for managing the daily prompt trading, market operation, asset and battery energy storage system optimisation, as well as fuel reserve management. Lai Kum Fai holds a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Degree (Hons) with a minor in Business from Nanyang Technological University.

Lim Heng Koon Jeremy
Jeremy Lim is the Head of Trading as well as the Head of Pricing and Portfolio of Keppel Energy Pte Ltd. He leads the wholesale electricity trading and commodity hedging teams in optimising operations and analysing market performance. Jeremy Lim graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Chemical) Programme (First Class Honours).

Lim Jun Jie
Lim Jun Jie is the Head of Section (Prompt Trading) of Senoko Energy Pte Ltd with 10 years of experience in the industry. He leads and oversees the power and gas trading, reporting, and business analytics activities of Senoko Energy, Singapore's largest power generation company involved in the natural gas-to-power value chain as a gas importer, gas shipper, terminal services provider, and holder of generation and retail licenses. Lim Jun Jie holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering from Nanyang Technological University.

Olivier Veteau
Olivier Veteau is the Program Manager (Demand Response) at Diamond Electric Pte Ltd. The company is the pioneering Demand Response Aggregator in Singapore, joining the market in 2006. Olivier is responsible for managing demand side management operations, as well as site operations and infrastructure. Olivier Veteau holds a Master’s Degree in Industrial Negotiation from IDRAC Business School (France) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science and Technology from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (France).

One person nominated by the Transmission Licensee
Tan Hui Xin

Tan Hui Xin is the Deputy Director (Transmission Planning) of SP PowerGrid Ltd. She manages a team responsible for the planning of the transmission network in order to meet system demand growth, connect customers and generators as well as replace aging assets. Hui Xin holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Nanyang Technological University.

One person nominated by the Power System Operator (PSO)
Loh Poh Soon
Loh Poh Soon is a Deputy Director in the System Control Department of the Power System Operation Division of the Energy Market Authority. The Department is responsible for round the clock real-time monitoring and control of the power system in Singapore. His job responsibilities include the coordination and approval of generators and transmission equipment outage schedules, adequacy and security assessments of the power system and evaluation of the impact of proposed rules changes, especially those related to operation of the power system. Poh Soon holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and a Master of Science degree in Industrial & Systems Engineering from National University of Singapore.

One market clearing engine expert nominated by EMC
Chen Liqin
Chen Liqin is the Senior Market Clearing Engine Specialist of Markets & Operations Department in EMC. She is one of the core members in the MCE support team, which is responsible for the MCE maintenance and enhancement arising from operational needs and rule changes. She is also responsible for ensuring daily pricing operations following the standard operating procedures and pricing accuracy. Liqin holds a master’s degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from National University of Singapore, and a dual bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, and International Economy from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.