* This course delivery is subject to change depending on guidelines issued from time to time by relevant Singapore authorities. Please refer to the Singapore Institute of Power and Gas (SIPG) website for the latest updates. If there is any change, we will promptly update this page.
Together with the Singapore Institute of Power and Gas (SIPG), the Energy Market Company (EMC) has developed a short course on Singapore’s Electricity Network and Market. This course will provide a broad overview and examine some of the unique features of Singapore’s Electricity Network and Market, leveraging both companies’ expertise in developing and operating energy utility infrastructures and markets.
By combining the experiences and perspectives of experts from SIPG and EMC, the course will provide insights to the components of the Singapore Electricity Network and how the network infrastructure enables the Singapore Wholesale Electricity Market to operate. This course will also serve as a primer to other classes offered by SIPG and EMC’s flagship course - “Understanding Electricity Markets”.
Full Course Fee: $784.80 (effective 1 Jan 2024)
Singapore Citizens/PR/Long-Term Visit Pass Plus (LTVP+) Holders, Subject to Funding Agency Approval: $235.44 (effective 1 Jan 2024)
*Please refer to the attached brochure and registration form for more information.
- Engineers, technicians or non-technical professionals working in the electrical power industry will find this course helpful.
- Understand the structure of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity in Singapore
- Understand the type of equipment implemented in the electricity transmission and distribution network
- Understand the market structure and the roles of key stakeholders in the National Electricity Markets of Singapore (NEMS)
- Understand the basics of market clearing, settlement and key design features of the NEMS
Qualified experts from SIPG and EMC will be sharing their unique experiences and insights working on Singapore’s Electricity Network and Market.
To register, download the Registration Form or the SIPG Singapore Electricity Network and Market brochure and send the completed form to [email protected].
Please contact SIPG at +65 6916 7930 or email [email protected] if there are any further queries.