Brochure and Registration Form

Market Clearing Workshop
Workshop Schedule
To be confirmed - Please write to [email protected] for more information
Practitioner's Perspective of Market Clearing

EMC, the wholesale market operator of the National Electricity Market of Singapore (NEMS), has developed a market-clearing workshop that focuses on the features of the Market Clearing Engine (MCE) which are unique to Singapore.

EMC played a vital role in establishing the NEMS' wholesale market, which commenced trading on 1 January 2003. We are hence uniquely positioned to bring theory and practice together to provide insights on the market clearing process. By combining the expertise and perspectives of engineering and economics, the workshop explains how generation offers and system constraints interact with each other to affect generation dispatch schedules and prices. To deepen participants' understanding, the workshop also includes simulation demonstrations using EMC's proprietary simulation software which replicates the MCE's price discovery process in the wholesale electricity market.


Course Fee (Registration and payment must be received before the course start date)

MP*: S$2,071 (inclusive of 9% GST)
Other: S$2,398 (inclusive of 9% GST)
* MP is a NEMS registered Market Participant or a NEMS service provider.

Course Fee (Payment must be received before the course start date)
For questions regarding our training courses, please contact us by phone or email.
Phone: +65 6779 3000
Who should attend?
  • Participants who have attended EMC's Understanding Electricity Markets course and who are interested in a more in-depth understanding of the market clearing mechanism.
  • Executives and managers from the electricity, energy, legal and banking sectors as well as government officials, regulators and consultants who are interested in how market prices and schedules are determined.
Why should you attend?
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the market clearing mechanism behind Singapore's wholesale electricity market.
  • Understanding pricing mechanism used in the MCE.
  • Understand how constraints interact with each other and affect dispatch schedules.
  • Understand the co-optimisation between energy, reserves and regulation.
Your course presenters

Course presenters will be EMC staff directly involved in maintaining and operating the MCE of Singapore's wholesale electricity market. You will benefit from the expertise and insight that only practitioners can provide.


To register, download the Registration Form or the full EMC Training Programme brochure. Enrolment conditions are outlined in the registration form.

Brochure and Registration Form