On behalf of and at the request of the Power System Operator (PSO), EMC procures, primarily through contracts, certain physical services that are needed to maintain reliable system operations but are not offered on real-time markets.

The principal contracted ancillary services that EMC may procure are:

  • reactive support and voltage control service,
  • black-start capability,
  • fast-start services, and
  • reliability must-run services.

Financing Framework For Procurement of Ancillary Services issued on 15 September 2020

Financing Framework for Procurement of Ancillary Service

Ancillary Services Contract Agreement

Ancillary Services Contract Agreement

The 9 key requirements of the ancillary service to be procured for period 01 Apr 2024 to 31 Mar 2025

Ancillary Service Key Requirements

With EMC granted derogation from Section of Chapter 5 of the Market Rules, EMC can procure ancillary services contract of any duration deemed appropriate by PSO. Henceforth, in consultation with the PSO, EMC procured the following Contracted Ancillary Services for period 01 Apr 2024 to 31 Mar 2025, details of which are tabled below:

Black-start services

Contracted Ancillary Services from 01 April 2024 to 31 March 2025

Contracted Ancillary Services Total Contracted Cost Total Contracted Quantity (MW)
Black-start services $10,428,254.40 88.848
The cost of ancillary services is recovered by EMC through the Monthly Energy Uplift Charge (MEUC) as outlined in the Market Rules: Chapter 7, Section 4.1.