This is an overview of the types of costs involved in becoming a direct market consumer. However, they are estimates and the list is not exhaustive. Costs will vary depending on your own due diligence and needs.
- Market fees paid per MWh consumed (also applies to Retailer and MSSL consumers)
- Annual market participant fees
- Legal fees associated with reviewing contracts, rules, etc.
- IT for connecting to the market systems
- Hiring staff with appropriate expertise to manage your electricity purchase
- Financial security with SP Services and SP PowerGrid
- Financial security with EMC (depending on your estimated consumption)
- SP PowerGrid fees for Use Of Service (UOS) (also applies to Retailer and MSSL consumers)
- SP Services fees for meter reading (also applies to Retailer and MSSL consumers) (visit Open Electricity Market for the Schedule of Market Support Service Charges for Contestable Consumers)
- Default levy cost/risk sharing
- Possible fines and penalties for rule breaches